In the 10th week of pregnancy, the belly is usually not yet rounded, but the expectant mother can still be plagued by nausea, constipation and flatulence, mood swings and sleepiness. During this time, new complaints also appear that are tiring and make it difficult to function.

10th week of pregnancy - course and symptoms

The 10th week of pregnancy is a time of great change in terms of the baby's developmental progress and the resulting discomfort for the expectant mother. The woman may experience morning sickness, constipation, flatulence, frequent urination and breast tenderness. A visibly round belly in the 10th week of pregnancy is an individual matter and is influenced by a number of factors. In women expecting their first child, the abdominal layers are not yet stretched after previous pregnancies, so that the characteristic shapes of the pregnancy can be expected somewhat later than in multiples. A twin pregnancy in the 10th week can also already be noticeable at this stage. Despite the different size of the abdomen, the uterus at the 10th week of pregnancy provides a safe environment for the developing baby. The fetal membranes are fully formed and functional, and the placenta will soon take over this task. Such changes significantly reduce the risk of complications in maintaining the pregnancy and herald its successful outcome.

In the 10th week, the abdomen grows slowly, but changes also take place in other places. In the first trimester, the volume of blood in the mother-to-be's body increases by up to 40 %, causing blood vessels to dilate and veins to become more visible. There is also a risk of dizziness, headaches and visual disturbances. Pregnancy symptoms in the 10th week also include changes in the gums. The mucous membranes of the gums become enlarged and are more prone to irritation and bleeding when brushing the teeth. Dermatological problems may also be observed, especially on the face, where rashes and discolouration develop. The 10th week of pregnancy is also a good time to prevent stretch marks. As we approach the second trimester, it is also worth considering securing the umbilical cord blood at birth and depositing it in a stem cell bank.

Baby in the 10th week of pregnancy

The tenth week of pregnancy is about the 8th week of the baby's life. During this prenatal period, the foetus develops dynamically and gains weight. It is about 3-4 cm tall and weighs about 5 g. During the ultrasound you can already hear the beating heart, whose pulse reaches even 180 beats per minute, you can also see formed and separated fingers and toes, developed arms and legs with clearly pronounced bending in the joints. The baby already shows uncoordinated and very delicate movements of the limbs at this time. Although it is still in the embryonic position in the 10th week of pregnancy, you can see the closed eyelids, chin and external nasal septum on its face. The ears are slowly taking shape, the palate is closing and the gums are forming tooth necks. Bone tissue is also developing intensively and will soon harden into a full skeleton. At this stage of pregnancy, the digestive system is already functioning well, with the liver making the blood cells and the stomach and gallbladder producing the digestive juices.


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