The second trimester of pregnancy is perceived by women as the most pleasant. Most of the discomforts characteristic of the beginning of pregnancy disappear. The future mother can fully enjoy the time of waiting for the baby and build an emotional bond with him. It is also important that she takes care of herself, eats a healthy diet, gets plenty of rest and goes for medical check-ups.

23rd week of pregnancy - which month is it?

The 23rd week of pregnancy is the beginning of the 6th month of pregnancy. This means that you are already halfway through and the due date is fast approaching. For many parents, it is a time of joyful waiting for the baby - the first distinct movements are showing and the foetus, which can be seen on the ultrasound, is making different faces. The 23rd week of pregnancy is a good time to enrol in a childbirth preparation course. It is a good idea for the father to attend the classes together with the expectant mother.

The baby in the 23rd week of pregnancy

In the 23rd week of pregnancy, your baby is still growing and developing very intensively, while at the same time becoming a little quieter and devoting most of his time to sleep - there are days when the foetus sleeps for up to 20 hours. However, when he is awake, he is constantly on the move, so he exercises his muscles. At this stage, his nervous system and senses (smell, taste and sight) are also almost fully developed. The intestines begin to produce the newborn's first stool, meconium, which consists of amniotic fluid, amnion, bilirubin and exfoliated epithelium of the digestive tract. In the 23rd week of pregnancy, the baby's lungs develop.

The baby's weight in the 23rd week of pregnancy is 450-500 grams, and its length, measured from the crown to the buttocks, is 20 cm. Its skin is thin and translucent, but fatty tissue slowly begins to gather under it. The whole body is covered with foetal mucus. The foetus already resembles a small human being in the 23rd week of pregnancy.

A baby born in the 23rd week of pregnancy is a premature baby who would have a chance of survival thanks to the advances in medicine today.

23rd week of pregnancy - changes in the pregnant woman's body

The 23rd week of pregnancy also means changes in the pregnant woman's body. First of all, the belly becomes bigger and rounder. The uterus continues to grow and its ligaments stretch, which can lead to pain in the pelvic area, hips and lower back. Weight also increases. Generally, pregnant women gain several kilograms in the second trimester.

In the 23rd week of pregnancy, the first irregular uterine contractions may occur. They are gentle and not every expectant mother feels them. They stop after a few minutes or when you change position. They cannot induce labour. The movements of the foetus also become stronger and more pronounced.Weak or absent movements of the baby in the 23rd week of pregnancy are not always a sign of an abnormality. The foetus sleeps up to 20 hours a day. It can be woken up by a change of position (preferably lying down) or by eating something sweet. However, a doctor should always be consulted in worrying situations.

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