Pregnancy calendar: 12th week of pregnancy. How is the baby developing?

The 12th week of pregnancy is the moment when the future mother starts to feel much better. It's all thanks to the stabilisation of hormone levels, and so the pregnancy discomforts disappear. It is also the right time for an ultrasound examination to assess the baby's body structure.


The 13th week of pregnancy - the development of the baby and the well-being of the mother.

In the 13th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother is accompanied by asignificant increase in energy and positive mood. Many women believe that this is the moment when the best time of waiting for the offspring begins. It is worth using it to build abond with the little one, but also to prepare you...


Week 19 of pregnancy - the time when you can find out the sex of your baby!

The time when expectant parents can find out the sex of their baby is the 19th week of pregnancy. This is the time when the foetus develops visible sexual characteristics. The organs will continue to develop over the next few weeks, but the sex can already be determined at this stage. The baby's mov...


20th week of pregnancy - the baby's development accelerates

This week of pregnancy is the time when your baby's senses of hearing, sight and touch are developing faster and faster. It is already able to taste the foetal water, which is reflected in the frequency of its swallowing. The sweeter it is, the more readily the baby accepts it. This is why the expec...

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